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Attoplasmas project

Breakthroughs in the ultrafast-laser developments have allowed for the opening of new horizons in the ultrafast atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics. Following these advances, table-top extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and SXR sources have provided novel ways to achieve real-time manipulation of electron dynamics through the use of attosecond light coupled with stronglaser fields, in a time-resolved manner.

These techniques have been applied to materials sciences and condensed matter physics, and are becoming an essential tool in the semiconductor industry for the XUV lithography of the next generation silicon products. With many FEL and laser institutes being built around the World, ultrafast Xray phenomena are becoming an exciting scientific field with a large potential for multidisciplinary and industrial collaborations.


In our Attosecond Spectroscopy lab, table-top attosecond radiation in the VUV, XUV, and SXR spectral domain (i.e. 5 eV-300 eV), that naturally possess high time-and energy-resolution, is used for initiating, probing and coherently controlling electron dynamics in gases and plasmas on the fastest time scales.

All the members of the group have a strong background in AMO physics, developed from different points of view, and together we bring an expertise that is necessary to successfully combine, for the first time, state-of-the-art laser and laser-driven attosecond sources with state-of-the art plasma sources.